بكرة وجه اليشم ولوحة GuaSha
+8618664137736 [email protected]

أدوات Gua Sha

» أدوات Gua Sha

  • 100% أداة تدليك طبيعية فاخرة من الكوارتز الوردي بجناح الملاك Gua Sha

    الفئة والعلامات:
    أدوات Gua Sha ,
    • تحديد
    introduction for use.

    We recommend using the Gua Sha tool on face and body as part of your night time beauty routine. This massage helps to relieve, calm, relax while preparing you for a good night sleep. Repeat the same massage technique on each side of the face and body 3-6 times. Use gentle light brushstroke on face. Focus on cheeks and under eyes area to remove puffness and jawline to relieve tension and pressure associated with clenching.

    NOTE: Keep the Gua Sha tool at a 15-degree angle to the skin—almost flat but not quite. This covers more surface and gives a gentle pull on the skin, which is also necessary for the correct technique.

    For Face and Neck

    For Back and Legs

    نموذج الاستفسار ( سنعود إليك في أقرب وقت ممكن )

    بريد الالكتروني:

    2 + 6 = ?

    ربما يعجبك ايضا

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